Pain is Not the Problem
Many people begin chiropractic care because of an ache or a pain. Pain can be distracting, debilitating, irritating or annoying. Pain can be chronic, acute, intense or intermittent. But pain is not the problem!
Many people begin chiropractic care because of an ache or a pain. Pain can be distracting, debilitating, irritating or annoying. Pain can be chronic, acute, intense or intermittent. But pain is not the problem!
Virtually every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body is controlled and regulated by your nervous system. If spinal vertebrae pinch or choke nerve tissue, signals going from or to the affected organ or tissue can be diminished.
It’s all around us in [PJ]. Television. Radio. Newspapers. Magazines. Billboards. They produce a type of “group think” that isolates us while programming us for all types of unhealthy behaviors. How do you spell relief?
If the eyes are a window to the soul, then your posture is a window to your health. Not only does posture and scoliosis affect your health, but also how well your clothes fit. It’s among the first thing other [PJ] people notice about you.
If chiropractic sounds promising, we encourage you to have a firsthand experience in our [PJ] practice. It’s easy to get started. No referral is needed. Ready to get started?
Chiropractic has been shown to be effective in adults for acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain; for migraine and cervicogenic headache; dizziness; and a number of upper and lower extremity joint conditions.
We have evolved into a disposable society. We’re lucky if our television lasts 10 years. Same with cars. Computers? Two or three years, tops! Unlike mechanical devices, some say our bodies are designed to last 120 years… or possibly even longer.
Golf, observes this [PJ] chiropractor, “involves concentration (nerves) and good range of motion (muscles and nerves). No wonder many [PJ] golfers think of chiropractic as their secret weapon!”
If you aren’t getting enough sleep or enough high quality sleep, the problem may simply be the amount of light you’re exposed to.